Client: Anisa Ismail
Country: Abu Dhabi, UAE
Industry: Education
Project Type: Art Direction / Book Cover
About the author:
Anisa is a 27 year old London-born passionate expat who’s dreams of becoming a teacher, came to life when she moved to the UAE (Abu Dhabi) back in 2011. Her career took her through many challenging and learning obstacles in which she navigated a new life abroad along with a new teaching skill set which involved teaching the English Language to children aged 4-5 years.
Anisa’s teaching journey took a decisive turn when Anisa decided to resign from her post in June 2017, and start up KidzUnplugged. Her inspiration she says, were her students. Each year, she felt that the young children in her class were becoming more and more addicted to technology that she didn’t understand why there wasn’t something drastic being done to change this. This is what sparked her to embark on this next important chapter of her life.
About the book:
The book is a digital detox guide to recognize the signs and cut back on screen time. It’s targeting parents, nurseries and schools. It’s very apparent now, everywhere we look, there is a form of technology grabbing our child’s attention. In the form of an iPad with the newest application or a new iPhone with an updated App Store, filled with the newest games. Then there’s social media, with young children able to have easy access, to a world of follows, likes and comments they aren’t mentally ready for. This is changing their behaviour, causing family disputes and exposing children to too much, so young. So how do we handle this?
About the project:
By deep research and customer insight understanding; and since we have worked with KidzUnplugged previously. We understood the brand feel and strategy . We were torn out between illustration or the use of real imagery. After proposing couple of options, the client leaned more to real imagery as it is showcasing more seriousness and realness to the content of the book. The concept was to show both what the kids used to play before and what do they play now. The contrast and comparison was a statement by itself to alert people and catch the passing customer’s attention. Furthermore, the yellow color just fit right into that energy of learning and playing.
Agency: InspireTBB Design Studio
Creative Director: Salem Kaadan
Graphic Designer: Maged Ali
Copywriter: Ebtesam Almasaabi
See the project on Behance