Benefit Wellness
Client: Benefit Wellness
Country: Dubai, UAE
Industry: Wellness, Fitness, Mobile Application
Project Type: Website Development
About the client:
Benefit Wellness is a mobile-based wellness platform that rewards you for making healthy choices. Track your activity, book a personal trainer, connect with health food providers, and best of all get rewarded for it! The platform allows your organization to customize a private wellness ecosystem tailored to your requirements. It provides you with the tools to promote healthy living and encourage users to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
About the Project:
We have been approached by Ross Millar; The Founder of BENEFIT WELLNESS to create their website and reflect their visual identity. First, we studied the content and created a digital strategy to help strengthen website messaging. Since the website targeted a corporate level target audience we made sure it’s clear and easy to browse the website. The design reflected their brand identity and we fell in love with their shade of sky blue; it was just the perfect color combination for “wellness”.